6-16-06 - At the Coastal Commission public hearing in Santa Rosa on June 14, Peter Douglas, Commission Executive Director said the Commission's Staff has spent thousands of hours preparing the P. B. Co.'s Measure "A" Staff Report. He estimated the County withdrawing the item from today's public hearing agenda cost $10,000 to $12,000. A representative from Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach reiterated Douglas' comments and added, "This is one more example of the Board of Supervisors making decisions at the expense of the taxpayers."
6-15-06 - Monterey County Supervisors action to cancel their request for a Coastal Commission public hearing and decision on the P. B. Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative is questioned by many. This only cancels action on the proposed major zoning and policy changes in the Forest Land Use Plan covered in Measure "A". The P. B. Co.'s proposed development projects will take separate action later by the Commissioners and cannot be considered until Amendments are made to the LUP.
The headline in the Herald's new story refers to "Project hearing canceled" and their story quotes representatives of the developer, P. B. Co., which imply they want to change the Measure "A" Initiative that was approved by the voters in November 2000. The cancelled Hearing was on an Amendment to the Forest Land Use Plan, NOT on P. B. Co.'s projects. County Supervisor, Dave Potter, was challenged during the "Public Comment" period at the Coastal Commission hearing in Santa Rosa on June 14th. Those attending wanted to now why the Supervisors' action was not covered in their agenda with advance notice to the public. After the hearing, Mr. Potter said, "There needs to be some clarity, given what Measure "A" has done... etc." During the public hearing Mark Masarra, attorney for the Sierra Club, made it very clear that there is no confusion in the wording of Measure "A".
- CLICK here to read the June15, 2006 Monterey County Herald story, "P. B. project hearing canceled" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (external link).
6-14-06 - Monterey County Supervisions, by a 4-0 urgency vote--without public notice--on Tuesday morning, requested Measure "A" to be removed from today's Coastal Commission agenda. Supervisor Dave Potter in a letter to the commission which stated there was too much confusion about what was before the Coastal Commission, that Measure A was being confused with the project itself. P.B. Co. attorney Tony Lombardo agreed with county officials, adding that the coastal staff report would have made it impossible to get a fair hearing. Commission Executive Director Peter Douglas commented on the delay by saying, "I have my suspicions, but the reality is there is no confusion about what is before the commission..." Douglas indicated the commissioners cannot take action but will meet and probably discuss the implcations of the delay. Public comments can be expected at the hearing regarding this matter. |
6-13-06 - The Monterey County Herald recommends, "The plan should be denied."
- CLICK here to read the Editorial in the June13, 2006 Monterey County Herald, "Del Monte plan should be denied" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (external link).
6-12-06 - New article in Los Angles Times restates, "… the Pebble Beach Co. has no legal entitlement to subdivide Monterey pine forest."
6-11-06 - Today's Herald newspaper story covers the showdown vote to be made on Wednesday, June 14th in Santa Rosa by state Coastal Commissioners on P. B. Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative, Amendment No. 1-05 to the County Local Coastal Program/Del Monte Forest LUP - which changes Zoning and Policies required to allow the Company's development plans.
Tom Lippe, attorney for the Sierra Club is quoted.."Given the (Commission's staff report, any deviation from it would be political." Alan Williams for P. B. Co says the staff report disregards county voter support. (NOTE: voters thought they voted to protect the Forest, not an excessive commercial expansion in many areas of the Forest.) Allowing the zoning and policies changes would "set an extremely adverse precedent" for hundreds of conservation areas in the coastal zone per the staff report.
Mark Massara of the Sierra Club is concerned about State Speaker for the Assembly, Fabian Nunez, abruptly appointing new Alternate Commissioners that could put a new pro-development alternate on the Commission panel for Wednesday's public hearing.
- CLICK here to read the Monterey Herald's June 11, 2006 story, "P. B. plan hits tipping point" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (an external link).
6-09-06 - PB Co's attorney wrote to the Coastal Commission Chairperson on May 12th about "Mapping Errors" and zoning for the Upper and Lower Sawmill Gulch area where Scenic and Conservation easements were required as a condition for the Spanish Bay development in the mid 1980s.
This letter is part of "Exhibit 10" to the June 2nd Coastal Commission Staff Report/Recommendation to DENY approval of Measure "A".
Carl Nielsen, co-chair of the Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach and Monterey County, also wrote to the Commission Chairperson explaining how "creative editing' has been used by the P. B. Co. attorney, Anthony Lombardo, trying to prove his point about allowing a commercial equestrian center on the Sawmill Gulch sites. Mr. Nielsen urges the Commissioners to uphold the existing easements and the "Open Space Forest' zoning on these sites and to find Measure "A" inconsistent with the Coastal Act.
CLICK here to read P. B. Co.'s attorney's Tony Lombardo's 4-page letter about "mapping errors" to the Coastal Commission; and read Mr. Nielsen's letter in response to the Commission (on this website ). |
6-09-06 - Pebble Beach Co. presents Development Project "Alternatives" to the Coastal Commission. The June 2nd Commission's Staff Report/Recommendation, provides the public with a copy of a May 26th letter from the PB Co's attorney to the Exec. Director of the Commission proposing changes in their development plans. These changes should not be considered at the June 14th public hearing which is only about Measure "A", a proposed Amendment No. 1-05 with major Zoning and Policy changes to the Monterey County Local Coastal Program/Del Monte Forest LUP.
Our organization and many others will urge the Comissioners to vote NO on P. B. Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative (Amendment No. 1-05 to the LCP/LUP) at the public hearing on June 14th in Santa Rosa. The roposed major changes in Zoning and Policies covered in Measure "A" for the future development of the Del Monte Forest will have an adverse impact on the environment in the Forest and quality of life for the residential c ommunity.
One of the proposed "Alternatives" covered in P. B. Co.'s attorney's letter of May 26th is "The Relocation of the Proposed Equestrian Center from the Sawmill Gulch Quarry to the P. B. Co. Corporation Yard." This Alternative plus other late changes propsed in the letter by P. B. Co. should be covered in a completely new permit application to the County and later to the Coastal Commission.
6-09-06 - Today's Carmel Pine Cone newspaper provides facts about the PB Co's Measure "A" Initiative and the Coastal Commission's Staff recommendation to vote against the proposed major changes in Zoning and Policies for future development of the Del Monte Forest. It also includes information about a May 26th letter the PB Co's attorney sent to the Coastal Commission Exec. Director, Peter Douglas, outlining proposed "Alternatives" in their proposed development projects, including another site proposed for the new equestrian center.
This news story mentions the Company's proposal to move the planned equestrian center from the Sawmill Gulch site to the Company's Corporation Yard area at Sunridge and Lopez Roads. However, it does not mention several other late changes proposed by the Company in an effort to obtain approval of their Measure "A".
The Coastal Commission's public hearing in Santa Rosa on June 14th is ONLY about Measure "A". Any proposed changes in the Company's development plans must be covered in a completely new permit application to the County and later to the Coastal Commission.
The Pine Cone story quotes Alan Williams, president of the Carmel Development Co., planner for the P. B. Co.'s proposed commercial expansion plans as saying, "About the only people we have against us is the Sierra Club and the Coastal Commission staff. Mr. Williams seems to have forgotten that twenty two individuals and organizations, including Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach and Monterey County, sent the Commission appeals of the County's decision on Measure"A".
6-03-06 - New letters to Coastal Commissioners with reasons why they should vote NO to P.B. Co's Measure "A" Initiative and expansion of commercial development projects in Del Monte Forest.
5-29-06 - "Corporate Greed" is the heading on a new letter to the Editor in today's Herald. More letters are expected as the California Coastal Commission's public hearing on Pebble Beach Co's Initiative, Measure "A" is scheduled in Santa Rosa for June 14th. It's not too late to send your opinion to the Commissioners about the proposed major expansion of commercial developments in Del Monte Forest.
- CLICK here to read the "Corporate Greed" letter to the Editor (on this website.)
April-May 2006 - CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSIONERS next Public Hearing on P.B. Co.'s MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE is now tentatively scheduled for WEDNESDAY JUNE 14th (not June 15th as previously posted) in Santa Rosa. |
4-06-06 - Deadline for Coastal Commission action on the P.B. Co's Measure "A" Initiative (Major Amendment No 1-05 to Monterey County Local Coastal Program/Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan) to be extended at Commissioners' meeting on April 12th in Santa Barbara. A Staff recommendation for action will be resented to the Commissioners at their meeting in Santa Rosa.
- For more details CLICK here for the Monterey County Herald's April 6, 2006 story, "Forest plan deadline extended" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (an external link).
4-04-06 - Our organization wrote to the Coastal Commission requesting that the “Time Limit” be extended for Coastal Commission action on the proposed Monterey County Local Coastal Program/Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan Major Amendment No. 1-05, (P. B. Co.’s Measure “A” Initiative.)
The California Coastal Commission issued a PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE on March 28, 2006 indicating that during their Wednesday April 12, 2006 public meeting in Santa Barbara, they will decide on extending the deadline for taking action on P. B. Co.’s Measure “A” Initiative, Major Amendment No. 1-05 to the County Local Coastal Plan/Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan. According to the Commission Staff, there is no need for opponents of Measure “A” to attend this public meeting. The Commissioners will decide on extending the deadline as a routine matter.
CLICK here to read this Notice and the Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach & Monterey County letter to the Commissioners. |
3-26-06 - Letters to the Editor and newspaper articles about the P.B. Co.'s MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE continue to be published. The Sacramento Bee published a story about the Coastal Commission Public Hearing earlier this month. The writer, Herbert. A. Sample, refers to the P.B. Co.'s "Project" throughout his story. Measure "A" is not about a "Project." It covers major changes in Zoning and Policies in the Del Monte Forest Local Coastal Plan/Land Use Plan to allow excessive commercial development projects later.
3-20-06 - Today's' L.A. Times news story includes some interesting quotes. From Charles Lester, Coastal Commission Deputy Director, "Once something is identified as environmentally sensitive habitat, you just aren't allowed to develop it." From Alan Williams for P.B. Co., "It [the P.B. Co.] might be wiling to relocate the equestrian center to a less sensitive spot, for instance. But the golf course and guest suites will be harder to give up."
Another quote in the story: From Mark Massara, an attorney for the Sierra Club, "The idea they can cut down 18,000 trees and do all this development in the forest s a flight of fancy. That discussion is over."
3-17-06 - Sara Christie, a legislation coordinator with the California Coastal Commission is quoted in a recent issue of the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal. "The Coastal Act protects environmentally sensitive areas and the area we're talking about is entirely sensitive habitat. We don't see any way you can build a golf course in the area without negatively impacting this protected habitat."
- For more quotes and current information on the P.B. Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative and pending applications for development, CLICK here to read the March 17, 2006 story in the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal, "Pebble Beach golf plan back in the rough" on their web site, www.sanjose.bizjournals.com (an external link).
- Or CLICK here to read the full article (on this website.)
3-10-06 - At the Public Hearing yesterday, March 9, 2006, the Coastal Commissioners and the public heard testimony from the commission's staff, Pebble Beach Co. representatives, a Monterey County representative, and individuals with comments for and against the Measure "A" Initiative.
Peter Douglas, Executive Director of the Coastal Commission, advised all in attendance that, within the next few months, their staff is expected to complete their analysis of the very complex changes in ZONING and POLICIES that Measure "A" would make in the Del Monte Forest 1984 Local Coastal Plan if it is certified. He estimated that the next Commission hearing on Measure"A" would be held in June, 2006 at Santa Rosa.
3-08-06 - PETER DOUGLAS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION advised the Commissioners and the public at a briefing meeting before their tour of Del Monte Forest, that the Commissioners will probably be able to ACT ON THE MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE amendment to the Land Use Plan/Local Coastal Plan at a future meeting, probably in June when they meet in Santa Rosa.
Mr. Douglas made this estimate on future Commission action and a Public Hearing as the Commission Staff has not completed their in-depth analysis of Measure "A" and will not be able to provide the Commission and the public with a Final Report and Recommendations for several months. |
3-08-06 - On Wednesday, March 8, 2006, the Coastal Commission Staff took the COMMISSIONERS on a TOUR of DEL MONTE FOREST to view the many areas where PB Co.'s commercial expansion projects are proposed and the LAND USE ZONING will be changed IF MEASURE"A" IS CERTIFIED.
The Commissioners saw where at least 17,000 trees would be removed and where the proposed commercial development projects would impact the nearby residential neighborhoods.
- For more details CLICK here to read the Herald’s February 19. 2006 story, “On the Path of Measure A” on their website, www.montereyherald.com (an external link).
3-05-06 - With which opinion on Measure "A" and the future of Del Monte Forest do you agree? Today's Herald story provides these opinions: "Measure 'A' is a good thing for the forest", or "It is over-commercialization of Del Monte Forest." Or do you agree with the Coastal commission Staff's opinion...(the proposed Pebble Beach Co. development plan) is "highly problematic because of the potential damage it would cause to the sensitive pine forest and to wetlands in Del Monte Forest." Attend the Coastal Commission Public Hearing at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Thursday, March 9, at 9:00 AM and give the Commissioners your opinion.
- For more information CLICK here for the Monterey County Herald's March 5, 2006 story, "Report could limit Pebble project" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (an external link).
2-25-06 - The California Coastal Commission Staff on February 24, 2006 released their letter (TH8b) to "Commissioners and Interested Persons" regarding the MONTEREY COUNTY LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM MAJOR AMENDMENT NO. 1-05 (PEBBLE BEACH CO.'s MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE.)
This 81 page letter covers many of the major changes in the Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan (Local Coastal Program.) However, it states "NO RECOMMENDATION FOR COMMISSION ACTION IS BEING MADE AT THIS TIME." The letter covers important facts about Measure "A" that will no doubt be discussed at the Commission's Public Hearing in Monterey on March 9th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
The Staff letter includes the following: "Staff has not completed its review of the proposed amendment, which includes both land use plan and implementation amendments directly affecting over 600 acres of land in some two dozen distinct locations within the Del Monte Forest area."
At this time, Staff anticipates completing its review of the proposed amendment in the NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS and bringing the matter to the commission for action.
12-23-05 - EACH CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSIONER received a small potted Monterey Pine tree decorated with hand-written notes/ornaments at their December 15th meeting in San Francisco. The Sierra Club representatives made the presentation of the small trees to highlight the adverse impact that will be created if the Commissioners approve PEBBLE BEACH CO.'s plan to CUT DOWN 17,000 MONTEREY PINES FOR ANOTHER GOLF COURSE IN DEL MONTE FOREST.
The chairperson of the Great Coastal Places (Sierra Club group), Tarren Collins, told the Commissioners, "We hope when you return home to your families and the holidays that you will take a moment to read some of the insightful comments from your neighbors and constituents and realize that there is no greater holiday gift you can offer to future generations than a protected Monterey Pine forest."
11-22-05 -- New MONTEREY PINE PTICH CANKER report indicates the disease has leveled off. Mortality for infected trees now only about 5 percent, far lower than predicted.
11-10-05 - Coastal Commission Staff announced that PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE P.B. CO.'s APPLICATIONS for major construction projects in Del Monte Forest (and Measure "A" Initiative) are now TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED for MARCH 2006 in MONTEREY.
The Coastal Commission Staff envision a Commission field trip as being part of the March 2006 agenda to get Commissioners out into the Del Monte Forest to see the LOCATIONS of the PROPOSED MAJOR CHANGES in the Forest, the environment and residential community.
11-09-05 -- Coastal Commission Staff requires additional information from the County on the PROPOSED AMENDMENTS to the LOCAL COASTAL PLAN (Forest Land Use Plan) covering P.B. Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative and proposed development projects. A five-page letter to the County dated October 24, 2005 outlined the need for the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED.
8-10-05 - Pebble Beach Community Services District's 22-acre FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR project for UPGRADING the reservoir for RECLAIMED WATER is about half completed. The reservoir is located northeast of Lopez Road, west of Congress Road, near Forest Lake Road.
The reservoir will be ready to accept recycled water from the Carmel Wastewater plant in December 2005 or January 2006. However, production of improved higher-quality reclaimed water is not expected to be available for Forest golf courses and athletic fields until the fall of 2007 when the Carmel Area Wastewater District micro-filtration/reverse osmosis treatment facilities are completed. Construction of any of P.B. Co.'s proposed future new major development projects in the Forest are contingent on having this improved reclaimed water available.
9-20-05 -- County Supervisors approved Resolution No 05-242 on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 to comply with a request from the Coastal Commission staff concerning PEBBLE BEACH CO.'s MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE. The new Resolution is only a procedural requirement. It states that the County intends to carry out the Initiative and amend the Forest Local Coastal Program (with many changes in zoning, etc.) in a manner fully in conformity with the California Coastal Act and the Court's certified Local Coastal Program... IF... the Initiative is certified by the Coastal Commission.
9-13-05 -- "17-Mile Drive through Pebble Beach is one of only nine private toll roads in the country, and the only one west of the Mississippi." Source: AAA
- This factoid was found in the Biz Bit segment of the September 13, 2005 Monterey County Herald website (external link).
8-10-05 - Today our organization submitted a new request to the California Coastal Commission outlining OBJECTIONS to PB Co.'s pending Application No. PLN040160 and Monterey County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 05-063. This Application and Resolution cover proposed changes in the Conditions that are part of the Spanish Bay Resort Coastal Development Permit PC-5040 and REMOVAL OF PERMANENT SCENIC EASEMENTS ON THE SAWMILL BORROW SITE where the PB Co. proposes BUILDING A NEW EQUESTRIAN CENTER AND SPECIAL EVENT PARKING AREA. Coastal Commission action on this issue will be processed separately from the other PB Co. Applications according to the Commission Planner in Santa Cruz.
8-09-05 - New "WE NEED YOUR HELP!" letter sent to concerned residents in Pebble Beach and Monterey Count asking them to please write to the Coastal Commission office in Santa Cruz objecting to the pending PB Co. development plans for Del Monte Forest.
8-09-05 - The Coastal Commission Planner responsible for the PB Co's pending applications for major construction projects in Del Monte Forest is reviewing the TWENTY TWO (22) APPEALS submitted in June and the many letters that continue to be submitted with objections to the PB Co.'s plans. He has informed our organization that it is premature to estimate when the Coastal Commission Public Hearings will begin. Detailed information on these APPEALS is provided on a new separate page on this website.
7-05-05 - The French Newspaper, "Liberation", has joined two British newspapers and four US newspapers with an interesting story on Clint Eastwood and the PB Co's plans for major construction projects, including the eighth golf course in Del Monte Forest.
6-30-05 - The Ventana Chapter of the SIERRA CLUB FILED AN APPEAL of the County's approval of the PB Co. proposed development plans with the Coastal Commission on March 29, 2005. On June 27, 2005 their attorney, S.E. Velyvis, Law Office of Thomas N. Lippe in San Francisco, sent the Commission staff additional reasons for opposing the PB Co.'s applications for proposed development plans.
6-30-05 - Monterey County Herald's story on the TWENTY TWO (22) APPEALS to the Coastal Commission fails to inform readers that this sets a new record. Thirteen organizations, eight individuals and two Coastal Commissioners (on one appeal) state valid reasons (not covered in the Herald) why the propposed PB Co.'s major construction projects in the Forest should not be approved.
6-28-05 - The Coastal Commission Planner, coordinator for the PB Co. pending applications, mailed a "COMMISSION NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL" to all interested parties which indicates the 22 appeals were filed on June 27, 205. Commission hearing dates have not yet been established for these appeals.
(Monterey County Supervisors Approval of PB Co.’s Applications)
Summary list of the twenty-two appeals received by Coastal Commission as of 6-27-05
NOTE: Dan Carl, Coastal Commission Staff Planner, advised that only County approvals of PLN010254 and PLN010341 are appealable. The County's action on PLN040160 (modifying conditions of approval of PC-5040 and PC-5405 - Sawmill Barrow site) is not a coastal permit action because such changes are changes to the Coastal Commission's Spanish Bay coastal permit and must come through the Coastal Commission Staff office directly.
- Helping our Peninsula’s Environment (HOPE), Carmel
- Sierra Club Ventana Chapter, Carmel (with additional documentation)
- Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach and Monterey County, Pebble Beach
- Mary Ann Matthews, Carmel Valley
- California Native Plant Society, Monterey Bay Chapter
- League of Woman’s Voters, Monterey
- Green Party of Monterey County
- Carmel Valley Women's Network
- Save our Peninsula Committee
- Nancy Parsons
- Ruth Gingerich
- California Coastkeeper Alliance
- Helaine Clark
- Friends of the Sea Otter
- Marilyn Hartwell Schlangen
- Herman Medwin, Ph.D.
- The Ocean Conservancy
- Pacific Grove Neigbors
- Karin Perling
- San Luis Obispo Coastkeeper
- Robert W. Shepner
- Coastal Commissioners Meg Caldwell and Mary Shallenbeger
6-22-05 - County Planning Dept. still working on documents associated with the MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE required by Coastal Commission staff. This data had been requested shortly after the voters approved the Initiative in November 2000. The Coastal Commission cannot schedule hearings on the Initiative that includes major changes in the Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan zoning and policies without the required documents from the County.
As previously reported, the California Coastal Commission must approve and certify the Initiative document before considering the PB Co's pending applications for major construction projects in the Forest. According to the Coastal Commission Planner, hearings on Measure "A" must be held separately from hearings on PB Co.'s applications. |
6-22-05 - The Coastal Commission Staff has now received eleven APPEALS outlining reasons why the pending PEBBLE BEACH CO. APPLICTIONS for major construction projects in Del Monte Forest should NOT be accepted or approved by the Coastal Commission.
6-15-05 - Update from Coastal Commission Staff Planner on PB Co. applications. Appeals to the Commission must be received at the Santa Cruz office by 5:00 PM on Monday, June 17, 2005.
Dan Carl, Coastal Commission Staff Planner, advised that only County approvals of PLN010254 and PLN010341 are appealable. The County's action on PLN040160 (modifying conditions of approval of PC-5040 and PC-5405) is not a coastal permit action because such changes are changes to the Coastal Commission's Spanish Bay coastal permit and must come through the Coastal Commission Staff office directly. |
6-13-05 - Today the California Coastal Commission staff in Santa Cruz received the Monterey County official notification of the Board of Supervisors March 15th approval of the pending Pebble Beach Co. applications for 13 new major construction projects in Del Monte Forest. This document is known as the "Final Local Action Notice, or FLAN."
The Coastal Commission's 10 working-day appeal period begins tomorrow, June 14th according to Dan Carl, Coastal Commission Planner. He indicated that this date will hold if the notice is not deficient in some way.
Six Appeal documents (including Concerned Residents of Pebble Beach and Monterey County) were received by the CCC staff as of May 10, 2005. More Appeals may be submitted.
- For more information on this subject CLICK here to read the June 12, 2005 story in the Monterey County Herald', "Forest plan goes to coastal panel" on their web site, www.montereyherald.com (external link).
6-01-05 - Do the cities of Monterey, Carmel, Pacific Grove and the Pebble Beach Co. have a Stormwater Management Plan? The State Regional Water Quality Control Board could issue "cease and desist" orders if they don't stop releasing untreated runoff water from storm systems into the bay.
- For more information CLICK here to read the Monterey County Herald's June 1st story, "Carmel quits storm drain panel" on their website, www.montereyherald.com (external link).