See the 9000-word complete text of Measure "A" Initiative
Measure "A" is the voter-approved Initiative of November, 2000 that significantly amends the Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan and authorizes zoning changes in Del Monte Forest.

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WHAT'S NEWEST with Measure "A" (November 2000)

6-14-07 - Coastal Commissioners VOTED to DENY PEBBLE BEACH Co's MEASURE "A" INITIATIVE which saved the Del Monte Forest. The Commissioners unanimously denied certifying proposed major changes in land use policies and zoning for the Del Monte Forest Local Coastal Program at the public hearing in Santa Rosa on Wednesday, June 13, 2007.

After David Potter's motion to approve Measure A had failed 8 - 4, the commission then voted unanimously to deny certifying the ballot measure.

6-02-07 - The Monterey Herald reports the Coastal Commission staff recommends denial of Measure A, the Pebble Beach development initiative in 2000.

6-01-07 - The California Coastal Commission staff has recommended denial of the Pebble Beach Co.'s proposed redevelopment plan (Measure A) due to inconsistencies with state Coastal Act policies. 

April - 2007 - A SIERRA CLUB Newsletter provides an interesting story on County Supervisors agreeing to support a future PEBBLE BEACH Co. application that has not yet been submitted.

3-29-07 - Coastal Commission to vote on extending TIME LIMIT for one year to MAY 22, 2008 for Commission ACTION on Pebble Beach Co.'s Measure A" Initiative, Major Zoning and Policy changes in Del Monte Forest Land Use Plan - Amendment No 1-07. See Commission Notice and Memorandum for the April 11, 2007 public hearing in Santa Barbara.

3-24-07 - According to Charles Lester, Coastal Commission Deputy Director, Commission Public Hearings should be held in June, July, or August on PEBBLE BEACH CO.'s MEASURE "A" Initiative. This voter-approved Amendment to the Local Coastal Program includes major policy and ZONING CHANGES in the Del Monte Forest. The Commission Staff has not changed its position that Measure "A" zoning would be at odds with the Coastal Act.

2-26-07 - Roster of California Coastal Commissioners has recently changed. On February 13th the Governor replaced Meg Caldwell with Steve Gary Blank,who is on the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, Hass School of Business. On June 1, 2006 Khatchik Achadjian was selected as the South Central Coast Representative to replace Dan Secord, M.D. from Santa Barbara.

1-23-07 - On January 23, 2007 the County Supervisors directed their staff to RE-INITIATE the process of obtaining COASTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATION of P.B. Co.'s MEASURE"A" INITIATIVE, a Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendment, including their Resolution No. 07-024, to the California Coastal Commission for commission consideration.

1-18-07 - Pebble Beach Co. has not abandoned its pursuit of developing property in Del Monte Forest. Recent correspondence from the Coastal Commission staff indicates the Company continues to pursue their FOREST PRESERVATION and DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PDP) PROJECTS at the COUNTY level.

12-06-06 - As reported earlier on this website, on December 5th County Supervisors rescinded their earlier approval of Pebble Beach Co.'s major commercial expansion plans in Del Monte Forest that included another new golf course, new Equestrian Center, additional hotel rooms, conference rooms, underground parking garages, new golf cottages and 30 new lots.

During the public hearing, Charles McKee, County Counsel, said they expect to submit PB Co.'s Measure "A" Imitative to the Coastal Commission again at the Commission's public hearing in March, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Monterey. A revised PB Co. commercial expansion plan application is expected to be submitted to the Supervisors at a later date.


6-14-06 - Monterey County Supervisors, by a 4-0 urgency vote without public notice on Tuesday morning, requested Measure "A" to be removed from today's Coastal Commission agenda. Supervisor Dave Potter in a letter to the commission which stated there was too much confusion about what was before the Coastal Commission, that Measure A was being confused with the project itself. P.B. Co. attorney Tony Lombardo agreed with county officials, adding that the coastal staff report would have made it impossible to get a "fair hearing." Commission Executive Director Peter Douglas commented on the delay by saying, "I have my suspicions, but the reality is there is no confusion about what is before the commission..." Douglas indicated the commissioners cannot take action but will meet and probably discuss the implications of the delay. Public comments can be expected at the hearing regarding this matter.

Pebble Beach Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative
An Amendment to the Monterey County Local Coastal Program/Land Use Plan for the Del Monte Forest.

Click HERE to read the full, complete text of the Measure "A" 'Initiative with proposed major changes in ZONING AND POLICIES for the Del Monte Forest LCP/LUP

NOTE the text of Measure "A", Section 11 AMENDMENTS [emphasis added]

1. Except as expressly provided herein, this Initiative may be emended or repealed only by the voters at a County election.

2. The County of Monterey Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to amend provisions of the General Plan and Zoning Code, and other ordinances and policies not amended by this Initiative and in the manner and time required by State Law, if such amendments are necessary to ensure consistency between this Initiative and other elements of the Countys General Plan, Zoning Code, and other County ordinances and policies.

MARCH 15, 2005 - County Supervisors approved Pebble Beach Co.'s Measure "A" Initiative and plans for expanding commercial operations in Del Monte Forest. The Supervisors ignored many public comments on why the proposed development projects are excessive and would be too destructive to the incredible Monterey Pine tree forest. They enthusiastically endorsed all pending applications and indicated they were impressed with the Company's plans for new employee housing in the Del Monte Forest and low-cost housing in Pajaro. However, the California Coastal Commission must also OK Measure "A" Initiative and the proposed major development projects.

March, 2004 -- Voters did not approve the P.B. Co's Proposed development plans when they voted on Measure "A". The Measure "A" Initiative was placed on the ballot to change land use zoning and policies for the Del Monte Forest. These changes will only be effective if they are approved by the California Coastal Commission.

The County Counsel office has advised that, if approved by the Supervisors, Measure "A" and Pebble Beach Co's application for proposed development will be submitted to the Coastal Commission as a "whole package".

Click HERE to read detailed information on each of PB Co's Ten Pending Applications for Major Construction Projects in Del Monte Forest. NOTE: Copies of these applications are available for public review at the Pebble Beach Community Services District, Forest Lake and Lopez Roads, Pebble Beach; and at the Monterey County Planning Department offices at 2620 First Avenue, Marina, CA 93933.

Other information regarding Measure "A"

Monterey County Presentation to the California Coastal Commission
Field Trip to Del Monte Forest, May 9, 2001

"PEBBLE BEACH DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW - 1987 TO PRESENT" including a Summary of Measure A and Key Components of the Deveopment Proposals, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C.

Click HERE to read the news article, "Coastal Commission tours Del Monte Forest" posted Thursday, May 10, 2001

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