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10-26-07 -Public Hearing on new Fire Ordinance #25: "Remove combustible vegetation from within a minimum of 100 feet or to the property line, whichever is greater, from structures."
10-24-07 - PBCSD publishes latest "District News" newsletter with valuable information for residents of Del Monte Forest.
- New articles include: • Two paramedics on duty in P.B. 24/7 • P.B. Emergency Response Teams • Water system upgrades • Annual Budget • District receives kudos • Free CPR and first aid training.
- For more details CLICK here to downoad the 3.7 MB PDF, "Fall/Winter 2007 Newsletter" from their web site (an external link).
9-13-07 - Community Emergency Response Team meeting to be held Sept. 25
An organizational meeting for the Pebble Beach Community Services District's first Community Emergency Response Team training will be held 6 p.m. Sept. 25 in the Pebble Beach district board room, 3101 Forest Lake Road.
Immediately after a disaster, the number and scope of incidents can quickly overwhelm professional emergency services. Traditionally, community response teams are trained to provide first aid and disaster mitigation until professional emergency responders are available. CERT teams can provide incident support functions and assist at public safety and education community events.
The organizational meeting will include information on the response team mission, training schedule, curriculum, program goals and other information.
Those interested in attending can call Fire Capt. Jennifer Valdez at 647-5642, or e-mail
11-27-06 - PEBBLE BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (PBCSD) improves their website and “District News” publications with valuable new information.
Craig E. Anthony, new General Manager, and his staff have improved their quarterly publication, “District News” and website with informative articles and quality photos.
10-13-06 - California Highway Patrol (CHP) will significantly increase vehicle code enforcement in Pebble Beach starting October 16th. |

An October 8, 2006 letter to Pebble Beach residents from Craig E. Anthony, General Manager of the Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) advised residents that the District has entered into a contract with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to augment vehicle code enforcement in Pebble Beach beginning Monday, Oct. 16, 2006.
The District has also purchased four roadside Radar Display Units that will be placed on the side of selected roads in the Forest to display the speed a driver is going as he or she approaches the Display Unit. These Units will display the driver's speed and provide a warning to those who are exceeding the 25 MPH speed limit. |

For more information CLICK here to read the entire PBCSD letter of October 8th, on this website. |
5-25-06 - Recycled wastewater stored in the recentlly upgraded FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR now being used for irrigating P.B. golf courses. A new detailed story on the PBCSD's major rehabilitation of the Reservoir is included in the May 19-25 issue of the Carmel Pine Cone.
5-18-06 - In response to the recent VANDALISM AND TRAFFIC PROBLEMS in the Forest, Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) Board has decided the District's jurisdiction should be expanded to include LAW INFORCEMENT SERVICE. The Local Agency Formation Commission of Monterey County is expected to consider the District's application to provide increased police service at its June 26th meeting. If approved, additional police services could begin in October or November.
Pebble Beach Community Services District (EXTERNAL LINK)
The Pebble Beach Community Services District was formed in 1982 pursuant to a vote of the residents. It is governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors who must be residents of the Forest. The PBCSD provides fire protection/emergency medical response, sewage collection and treatment service, garbage collection and distribution of reclaimed water for irrigation of all golf courses and athletic fields within the Forest.
Equipment and structures for fire protection services are provided and owned by the District. The District contracts with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) to provide trained personnel to operate the fire department.
Garbage collection and disposal services are carried out through a franchise agreement with a commercial firm. The District Board sets service levels and regulates rates. Maintenance and operation of the sewage collection system and a reclaimed water distribution system is conducted by District employees. The District contracts with the Carmel Area Wastewater District for treatment and disposal of sewage.
The elected members are: Janice M. O'Brien; David R. Hendrick, Esq.; William R. Gianelli; Hampton Stewart, III; Leo M. Laska.
Meeting Place: Pebble Beach Community Services District, Forest Lake & Lopez Roads (next to the Fire Station.) Phone: 831-373-1274. Fax: 831-373-2357.
Meeting Time and Date: Normally at 9:30 am on the Last Friday of each month.
The Agenda for each meeting is posted in advance at the Pebble Beach Community Services District outside bulletin board and at the Pebble Beach Post Office. It will be included on this Web site when possible (see above.)