The applicant proposes to establish about 270
acres of new open space forest lands that are
currently proposed and zoned for development by the
pre-Measure A LCP, of which over 200 acres (Areas
PQR, G, H, and F-3)) are contiguous to the 570
acres of existing, open space forest within the
Huckleberry Hill Natural Area, S.F.B. Morse
Botanical Reserve, and Pescadero Canyon. The
preservation of these areas establishes a
significantly larger intact area of preserved
forest and provides an opportunity to better
achieve long term preservation and enhancement
objectives than is possible within any of the
existing preserve areas.
In addition to these areas, the proposal sets
aside 33.46 acres of high quality forest (Areas
I-1, L, and B) which were previously proposed for
development but are valuable in themselves (Area
I-1) or are contiguous with other valuable forest
areas at Indian Village (20 acres adjacent to Area
L) and the Navajo Tract (l0 acres adjacent to Area
B). Certain areas proposed for residential
development (Areas F-2, J, and K) contain an
additional 20.8 acres of open space land that are
proposed to be placed in conservation and scenic
Active management within the area proposed as
Open Space Forest to preserve, enhance, and restore
high quality, sustainable habitat will involve the
removal of invasive species as well as other
management techniques that are possible when
preserving large tracts of forest.
Preservation of these lands is proposed to be
accomplished through amendments to the LCP by
Measure A which will change land uses and densities
and allow management of the newly designated lands
in the manner prescribed by the Open Space Advisory
Committee ("OSAC") plan.
In setting aside lands to be permanently
protected as open space, the subject proposal
responds to LUP Policy 11, which states:
Contiguous areas of undisturbed land
in open space uses shall be maintained wherever
possible to protect environmentally sensitive
habitat areas and associated wildlife values. To
this end, development of parcels immediately
adjacent to designated environmentally sensitive
habitat areas shall be planned to keep
development intensity immediately adjacent to
the sensitive habitats as low as possible,
consistent with other planning criteria (e.g.
drainage design, roadway design, and public
safety). Conformance to applicable OSAC
maintenance standards shall be the test of
consistency with this policy.
Compliance with this LCP policy will ensure
compliance with other LCP policies that address
environmentally sensitive habitats in the Del Monte
The following areas are proposed to be managed
as natural open space areas pursuant to OSAC
maintenance standards and additional
recommendations set forth in the Project's forest
management plan:
"The Del Monte Forest coastal area
is also known for its variety of passive and
active coastal related recreational
opportunities available to visitors and
residents. The Lodge at Pebble Beach, portions
of 17-Mile "The Del Monte Forest coastal area is
also known for its variety of Drive (and
turnouts), and portions of several golf courses
are currently considered coastal - related uses.
It is therefore necessary that priority be given
to these coastal related developments, as well
as similar uses, which may be feasible at
remaining undeveloped coastline locations... "
(DMF LUP page 35)
"New coastal dependent land use, public
and commercial recreation, and visitor -
serving- land uses shall have priority over
other uses where public service capacities are
limited. "(DMF LUP Policy 72)
- Adding guestrooms and meeting space at The
Lodge at Pebble Beach and The Inn at Spanish
- Enhancing the operation of the existing golf
courses through the addition of a driving range
and relocation of a golf training facility to be
near the Spanish Bay golf course.
- Increasing opportunities for visitors for
whom Pebble Beach is a destination for
world-class golf through the addition of a new
18-hole championship golf course.
- Adding new visitor accommodations as an
amenity, in close proximity to and integrated
with, the overall design of the golf