Copenhagen & Frankfurt Los Angeles/Holiday Inn Airport Hotel Six months preparation by using our computer has now come to an end. We are now checked in on-line all the way to Los Angeles, our taxi is told to meet us here at 3.30 am. tomorrow morning. Telephone numbers are placed on the top of our "In Case of Emergency List" ICE. We still have a few things to finalize and then we will go to bed tonight at 9 pm. and get up again at 2 am., and the rest will be some kind of relaxation in the hands of Lufthansa. We intend to enjoy our tour from the very first moment and until the very last moment, as it seems for us as a once in a lifetime experience. The cat has been placed at a cat pension for the next two weeks. The suitcases are ready for transportation to the airport and so are we. We have downloaded our boarding passes earlier this Sunday morning over the internet, while we were checking in to Lufthansa. Our taxi will arrive at 3.30 am. Monday morning, and we will have to get a few hours’ sleep, before the taxi arrives, and we will close down our apartment, as if we were going to spend a couple of weeks in our summerhouse in Gjellerodde. Our flying time is about 15 hours with a single change of plane in Frankfurt International Airport, before we can talk about getting started, on what this is all about, a Motorhome Tour from Los Angeles in California, USA, to Seattle in Washington State, USA. It is very early morning in Kastrup Airport, and only a few passengers are inside the departure lounges. We have arrived long before the personnel, who takes care of the baggage drop areas, because we only had very light traffic in the streets of Copenhagen at that time of the day, but soon our luggage has been taken care of by the Lufthansa personnel, and we are on our way through the Security Check. Last minute shopping can take place comfortably, as we have nearly one hour, before we will have to be present at the gate. It is a tradition, that Else will be asleep, when we take off, and today is no exception. One and a half hours flying time to Frankfurt and we are ready to board our Boing 747-8 for the last 12 hours flight to Los Angeles, California, USA. Being seated we discover, that the plane does not have an individual entertainment system for each seat, but as the day progresses, we are happy just to be able to relax in our seats before we will arrive mid-afternoon in Los Angeles, the same day, but with 9 hours’ time difference, which will mean that it is still day 1, when we arrive. Holiday Inn has a shuttle service from the airport to the hotel, and we phone the hotel, and are asked to get to “the shuttle service stop” at the airport, and soon we are at the hotel. A few hours later, after a shower and a small nap, we decide to explore the hotel and its surroundings, and we find it impossible to stay awake for longer than it takes to have a pizza in the hotel restaurant and then back to the room for a good night sleep. Maybe we will find a possibility to visit Hollywood Boulevard and the Chinese Theater, but tonight it is a “no go”! Click here to see more DAY 1 photos posted at "Else Duch's Gallery" on Picasa. [ Return to top ] |