Resultant Changes (Existing &
- Hours of operation remain unchanged at this
complex. The driving range will be open from
dusk to dawn, as will the locker room addition
at the clubhouse. Guestroom check-in is anytime
after 4:00 pm; check-out is anytime before 12:00
noon; room service is available 24 hours/day.
Meeting space is available to groups based on
individual needs. Underground parking is
available 24 hours/day.
- The 91 additional guestrooms, based on
double occupancy, have the possibility of 182
overnight guests. There are 40 hitting stations
combined at the double-ended driving range,
therefore a maximum of 40 persons could practice
at one time.
- All facilities at this complex are open to
the public. Hotel room rates, golf ball buckets
at the driving, range, and conference room
reservation rates will be consistent with
ongoing resort rates charged for these services
at the time they are available for use. Parking
underground facility is free of charge.
- Consistent with the existing operation of
The Inn at Spanish Bay, conference events are
cyclical and market-driven. Conferences are
seasonal and vary in size from small groups
(under 25 attendees) to larger groups (up to 750
attendees). These bookings range in length from
daily to week-long events.
- There are no new restaurant facilities
proposed with this project. Likewise, there are
no new retail facilities proposed as well.
- Noise levels comply with Monterey County's
Noise Element, and are addressed in the
Environmental Noise Assessment prepared for this
project by Brown-Buntin and Associates, a copy
of which is on file with Monterey County.
- Traffic impacts are addressed in the
Transportation Analysis prepared for this
project by Fehr & Peers Associates, Inc., a
copy of which is on file with Monterey
- Exterior lighting will be consistent with
adjacent buildings and uses. An exterior
lighting plan is a standard condition of
approval by Monterey County and is required
prior to issuance of building permits.
- There is no impact to the existing trail
system in Del Monte Forest with this
Ancillary/Secondary Improvements
Ancillary improvements include realignment of
the entry road, which relocates the tennis courts
(and underground parking) closer to the existing
Since the opening of The Links at Spanish Bay in
1987, a need for a nearby driving range has become
critical to our operations. Currently there are
public driving ranges in Pebble Beach: one at
Spyglass Hill Golf Course (2 miles away), and one
near the Pebble Beach Golf Links (4 miles away).
Golfers at The Links at Spanish Bay must make
arrangements to drive or be driven to practice at
one of the existing driving ranges, thereby
creating unnecessary traffic trips. This project
reduces the internal traffic associated with
driving range use. The driving range will be
irrigated with reclaimed water.
The proposed General Development Plan Amendment
for this portion of the project includes the
subject site, the overall site plan and the
individual site plan for each component, floor
plans, and elevations for the following elements:
The Inn at Spanish Bay, meeting space, guestrooms,
parking and circulation improvements, driving
range, parking and golf teaching facility. See
Exhibit A-1 for site statistic

The approved inn at Spanish Bay is a resort
development consisting of 269 guestrooms, three
restaurants, 14,000 sq. ft. of conference space
with a combined capacity of 500 persons, a 492
space parking lot, 80 condominium units, an 18 hole
golf course, golf clubhouse, tennis courts, and
tennis pro shop. The proposed project will add
visitor accommodations and meeting space, improve
interior resort operations, provide additional
parking and improved circulation, provide ancillary
uses for The Links at Spanish Bay, and provide
housing for employees on an adjacent site.
Guestrooms - The project will
include 91 new guestrooms, 86 of which are located
within two, 2-story with dormer level buildings to
be situated between the existing resort parking
area and fronting the 11th fairway of The Links at
Spanish Bay. Parking will be displaced by these two
buildings (138 parking spaces), as would a limited
number of existing landscape Monterey pines and
other vegetation. A small area within the Inn
complex will be remodeled to convert existing
interior offices to a net increase of 5 additional
guestrooms. Increasing the number of guestrooms
will add 46 new employees, one employee for every
two new rooms created. The conversion of office
space will relocate 40 accounting employees off
site to the Company's Pacific Grove properties. The
net increase for staff at The Inn will be
approximately 9 employees (the driving range adds 3
staff members, which, when added to the new
employees and relocated employees, results in the 9
new staff members).
Meeting Rooms - The Inn will be
expanded to add 14,040 sq. ft. of meeting space
(four spaces of about 3000 sq. ft. each and two
smaller spaces of approximately 1000 ft each)
across from the existing ballroom. Ancillary
improvements include a pre-function entry and
circulation space, service corridors, mechanical
rooms, service entry and courtyard, and
Tennis Facilities - The existing
clubhouse will be remodeled to add 1,800 sq. ft. of
locker space. The 8 existing tennis courts and pro
shop will be replaced with 8 new courts and one
half-court (for practice) constructed over a new
underground parking garage (see below)
Parking and Circulation -
Substantial chances are proposed to both
circulation and parking in order to accomplish
several improvements that will benefit both the
guests at the Inn and the condo dwellers:
- Replace those parking spaces lost through
meeting-room and guestroom additions,
- Add parking to meet additional demand for
spaces created by the new guestrooms and meeting
- Improve circulation to separate visitor
traffic and resident access, and
- An enhanced arrival/entry and exit
experience for visitors.
A new 443 space underground garage is proposed
at the site of existing, tennis courts near the
resort entrance. Guests will access The Inn and
related facilities via a new driveway south of the
underground parking structure. Separate access to
the residential portion of the site will be located
east of the parking, garage, opposite the first
existing condominium building. Pedestrian paths
will allow resident access to the tennis courts,
clubhouse, and a, new children's pool area. All
other Inn parking and circulation, including
arrival and parking, areas serving the existing Inn
and proposed new guestrooms and meeting rooms, will
be reconfigured to provide easy visitor access and
service. See Exhibit A-2 for the
parking summary at the Spanish Bay site.

Development of the Spanish Bay site will involve
temporary closure of the 11th fairway and use of
this area for storage of materials and construction
The grading plan for the improvements at The Inn
at Spanish Bay indicate an excavation of roughly
45,000 cy of excess soil to be removed from the
project site. This is primarily due to the
excavation of the underground parking, but also
includes that which is required for foundations and
footings of the new guestroom buildings and meeting
facility addition. About 15,000 cy will be
transported for use at the new Equestrian Center
site; 20,000 cy will be used at the nearby Spanish
Bay Driving Range; and the balance of 10,000 cy
will be transported to the Marina Landfill. A truck
route has been established for the hauling of soil
(Congress Road to S.F.B. Morse Drive to eastbound
Highway 68 and finally to northbound Highway 1).
The construction impact is discussed in the
Transportation Analysis prepared for this
project by Fehr & Peers Associates, Inc., a
copy of which is on file with Monterey County.
Driving Range, Golf Teaching Facility, and
Parking- Accessory uses to the Spanish Bay
Golf Links and additional parking to serve The Inn
at Spanish Bay are proposed to be located on an
approximately 26-acre parcel located at the
southeast corner of 17 Mile Drive and Congress Road
(LUP Development Area 8C). A new driving range is
proposed for this site, along with a +/- 3,000 sf
golf teaching facility. Currently, golfers at The
Links at Spanish Bay travel to one of two distant
driving ranges at Spyglass Hill Golf Course (2
miles away), and near the Pebble Beach Golf Links
(4 miles away). The new driving range is intended
to eliminate these trips by providing golfers at
Spanish Bay Golf Links with an on-site practice
range. To provide sufficient parking for employees,
guests, and the driving range, the driving range
site will also provide 301 surface parking spaces.
Golf maintenance staffing will increase by 3
individuals required to manage the driving range.
The 7 teaching professionals and support staff will
be relocated from the Spyglass Hill driving, range
to serve this golf teaching facility. A proposed
open space buffer surrounds the range, as well as
an open space area located in the southwest portion
of the site.
To accommodate these uses, the site will be
rezoned from Medium Density residential (MDR) to
Open Space Recreation (OR) as provided by Measure
A. The proposed, as well as the existing, zoning
designations allow golf course and accessory uses;
however, rezoing is proposed to formally recognize
the conversion of planned residential development
on this site to priority visitor
serving-recreational uses. See Exhibit
A-3 for site statistic details.

The grading plan for the improvements at this
site indicate a need for roughly 20,000 cy of fill
material, which will be supplied from the excess
material from the underground parking facility at
The Inn at Spanish Bay. The construction impact is
discussed in the Transportation Analysis prepared
for this project by Fehr & Peers Associates,
Inc., a copy of which is on file with Monterey
Relationship to Previous Permits -
Various aspects of the current proposal would amend
LUP policies affecting the intensity of use of the
subject site for visitor accommodations and
recreation and also conditions affecting the use of
the Sawmill Gulch sand borrow site. Conditions of
approval (see California Coastal Commission Coastal
Development Permit No. 3-84-226) for development of
the Spanish Bay Resort involving installation of
public access improvements, dune restoration,
riparian habitat reclamation, construction of two
new road segments including an extension of
Congress Road adjacent to area 8B. and future
reclamation of Haul Road will be unaffected by the
current proposal. However, the proposal will affect
Conditions 6(c) and 28 of the referenced permit
requiring reclamation of the Upper Sawmill Gulch
site and its inclusion and management as part of
the Huckleberry Hill Natural Habitat Area.
Therefore amendments to these conditions are
proposed in order to facilitate relocation of the
existing Equestrian Center from the site of the
proposed golf course (LUP areas MNOUV) to the Upper
Sawmill Gulch area. Similarly, Conditions 8, 9 and
10 of County permit PC-5202 will also require
amendment. An amendment to the LCP is proposed by
Measure A to allow the site to be used for Open
Space Recreation uses (see Equestrian Center
Discussion below).